Military Provost Staff Corps

unknown year no badge
Soldier Details:
Surname: Kearney
Initials:   E.
Rank:   Sergeant
Army No.:  6404742
Notes:   CMP,. Enlisted in the Royal Sussex Regt transferred to CMP. Unit War Diary 4 (TC) Coy WO 171/77814/5/45 Enchede. 6404742 Sgt Kearney W awarded C in C Certificate for Good Service, also 2089349 L/Cpl Newman G. Annex B to 21 Army Group GRO 85(1994) dated 4/5/1945. . He has the same No. as Pte. L L Stidder, CMP. TC.

Decorations/Medals/Awards (1)
  1. Decoration:   C in C Certificate for good service Gazette Date: 1945-05-04 Gazette Issue: War Diary Gazette Page: WO171/7781
Citation:   North West Europe. Citation not found.