Military Provost Staff Corps

unknown year no badge
Soldier Details:
Surname: Birch
Initials:   P.L.
Rank:   Captain
Army No.:  77619
Notes:   West Yorks Regt. 8/2/43 joined 231 Pro Coy 1943. MC won with West Yorkshire Regiment but listed in Honours & Awards Crozier History.

Decorations/Medals/Awards (1)
  1. Decoration:   Military Cross Gazette Date: 1941-07-18 Gazette Issue: 35221 Gazette Page: 4110
Citation:   GALIABAT. 28th January, 1941. While moving through very thick and difficult country, the armoured carrier section under this Officer's command suddenly became engaged at close quarters with a superior enemy force in position. 2nd Lt Birch, being temporarily cut off from the remainder of his section, sent his gunner to bring them up, and took over his gun. Regardless of his personal safety, he stood up in his carrier and engaged the enemy over the top of the long grass. Single handed, he held off his opponents, causing them heavy casualties, until he was put out of action by a direct his from a grenade and two revolver bullets. The remainder of the section then arrived and put the enemy to flight. By his quick decision, skill and bravery, 2nd Lt Birch turned what might have been a reverse with loss of valuable material into a victorious action. Lt Col Rodwell Comd 2 West Yorkshire Regt A very gallant action which resulted in complete success. 2/Lieut BIRCH was very badly wounded and is unlikely to be able to serve again in a combatant capacity. I strongly recommend the grant to him of the Military Cross. Brigadier Comd 9 Indian Inf Bde 28 Feb 1941. Lieut General W Platt Commanding Troops Sudan. National Archive WO373/28.