Corps of Military Police

Cap Badge of the Corps of Military Police (King George VI)
Soldier Details:
Surname: Neller
Initials:   L.S.J.
Rank:   Sergeant
Army No.:  400022
Notes:   CMP. Formerly Cavalry of the Line (Dragoons). 11/12/40 Transferred to CMP. He was born in Middlesex and resided in Exeter. Name spelt Nellor in Crozier Roll of Honour. War Diary, Jerusalem Detachment. WO 169/15935: 2/7/44 Telephone message from Haifa that Sgt Neller, CMP Dog Section had been drowned at Khyat Beach. Dog Section informed. War Diary 2 CMP Dog Section WO 169/17752: Jerusalem 2/7/44 17.30 hrs, Sgt Neller L S J NCO i/c No. 2 Detachment death by drowning reported by telephone from OC Capt Kidman 15 Area Pro Coy. 3/7/44 09.30 hrs DAPM arrived at Lydda by air from Cairo, proceeded by road to No.2 C Detachment, Haifa to attend the late Sgt Neller's funeral at the Military Cemetery. War Diary 15 Area Pro Coy WO 169/15915 5/7/43 Court of enquiry held in the Nco's mess to inquire into the circumstances in which Sgt Neller L CMP Drowned. War Diary 15 Area Pro Coy WO 169/15915 Proceedings disposed of the HQ 15 Area. War Diary 2 CMP War Dog Section, Unit War Diary WO 169/17752: Jerusalem 2/7/44 17.30 hrs Sgt Neller L S J NCO i/c No. 2 C Detachment. death by drowning reported by telephone from OC Capt Kidman, 15 Area Pro Coy. Casualty List 1505, Middle East, Died, died as result of accident, CL 1664/37, 2/7/1944. Leslie Sydney John Neller.

Casualty Details:
Date Killed: 2nd July 1944
Company: 2 C Det Dog Section
CWGC Search:
Grave Photograph