Notes: | Provost Officer.London Gazette 40430, 1545, 15/3/1955. Corps of Royal Military Police. National Service List. 23033334 Cadet Colin George Wood (439698) to be 2/Lt, 22/1/1955.London Gazette 40807, 3577, 19/6/1956. Corps of Royal Military Police. Army Emergency Reserve of Officers. National Service List. The undermentioned 2/Lt from Reg Army Nat Serv List, to be 2/Lt, on the date shown. C G Wood (439698) 13/6/1956, with seniority 22/1/1955.London Gazette 40882, 5345, 21/9/1956. Corps of Royal Military Police. Army Reserve of Officers. National Service List. 2/Lt C G Wood (439698) to be Lt, 20/9/1956.London Gazette 41873, 7357, 20/11/1959. Corps of Royal Military Police. Regular Army Reserve of Officers, Class III. Lt C G Wood (439698) from A E Res. of Offrs, Nat. Serv. List to be Lt, 20/11/1959, retaining his present seniority. |