Military Provost Staff Corps

unknown year no badge
Soldier Details:
Surname: Wyneaa
Initials:   W.
Rank:   Private
Army No.:  P/12230
Notes:   MFP. Awarded the 1915 Star, Victory and War Medal. First served abroad (1) France, 26/6/1915 to 30/9/1915. 8/12/14 he enlisted Pte. 2 Scots Guards. No. 12654. 21/9/15 suffered severe gun shot wound to hand & head (H 1859). Transferred to MFP 31/8/17. Served Home 18/12/14 to 25/6/15, BEF 26/6/15 to 30/9/15 Home 1/10/15 to 6/11/18 to discharge no longer physically fit for war service. He enlisted age 25.11 years, occupation Farm Servant, Home address: Craiglee House, Elton, Wall, Aberdeenshire and later 116 Chippenham Road, Maida Vale, London W 9. Served with MFP in Grosvenor Square, London. Info from Pension Index Cards:- 11/MH/714. Wyness, John, MFP, P/12230, Pte. 6/11/18 to discharge, married, 39 Shaw Street, Govan, Glasgow, disability GSW hand & Head, due to, Slip 16/2/37. William Wyness. National Roll of the Great War 1914 - 1918. Section 1. London, Page 375. Volunteering in December 1914, he was drafted to the Western Front in the following June. Whilst in this seat of war he took a prominent part in heavy fighting at Ypres and in the battle of Loos, where he was wounded in September 1915. He was invalided home, and on his recovery transferred to the Military Foot Police, with which unit he rendered valuable services until his demobilisation in November 1918. He holds the 1914-15 Star, General Service and Victory Medals. 106 Chippenham Road, Maida Hill, W9. Info from pension card: John Wyness (Wynd on medal card). 6/11/19, married, 39 Shaw Street, Govan, Glasgow. Received pension for GSW to hand and Head.

Decorations/Medals/Awards (1)
  1. Decoration:   Silver War Badge Gazette Date: 1918-11-12 Gazette Issue: WO 329/3243 Gazette Page: List MPC/90
Citation:   Badge no. B51352. Enlisted 18/12/1914, Discharge 6/11/1918. KR 392 (xvi) AO VI Sep/1918. Age 29years 10months. Served abroad.